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Saturday, December 23, 2017

From the Captain's Chair

Captain’s Log:  this will be my final entry.

It’s incredibly difficult to write those words. It’s also incredibly difficult to express what each of you who have enjoyed and supported STAR TREK CONTINUES have meant to us. It has been perhaps the greatest privilege of my life to have created this series with so many amazing people. The words “thank you” will never suffice to express my gratitude to each and every member of our cast & crew. Only those who were actually there could ever know the amount of effort, sweat, time, passion and love that went into every episode. This series was created for one reason and one reason alone…. to pay tribute to the original series of Star Trek. There were no ulterior motives, no money made, no dreams of stardom or expectations of future opportunities. We made it for love. Our STC production family had a great deal of fun making this series and forged life long friendships. I hope some of that love and camaraderie came through on screen.

I look forward to meeting many of you at conventions in the months ahead. May you all have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy 2018. Live long and prosper… and thank you for taking this journey with us.

Vic Mignogna


Streattech said...

Thank you for all the hard work! It was a great series!

bill02888 said...

Wonderful beyond words! Especially enjoyed Pilgrim of Eternity and Fairest of Them All -- wonderful to see a new episode continue an original episode. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everybody involved in this project.

Rabbi Pinky Schmeckelstein said...

Thank you for the great labor of love! I never enjoyed any of the fan films until STC. Your efforts reached a role of professionalism that helped raise the bar across the board. You guys should take some credit in that Star Trek Discovery is as good as it is.

Best of luck to crew and cast!

Unknown said...

I want to thank you one and all for the hard work that you've done in keeping Star Trek OS alive. These last few years and 11 episodes was a great tribute to the original cast and crew of the starship Enterprise. Thank you for the memories and I wish you all a happy future wherever it may take you. Also, thank you to the staff, crew, producers, writers, actors and everyone else involved (including CBS) in making STC a real tribute and part of the Star Trek Canon.

- MEF, a friend from Quebec, Canada

Unknown said...

Where some see love, others see only opportunity. Shame you had to end .

Teresa said...

It was a wild ride. Congrats to everyone who worked on the series. We had a great time.


Unknown said...

Really sorry to see your Enterprise come to an end - because of the greedy big film industry - I have enjoyed the ongoing stories, it keeps the trek future alive in peoples imaginations. "Live Long And Prosper".

Kyle said...

Thank you Vic for your amazing work on bringing us all back to the final frontier! Thanks to you, the cast and crew! May your future find you well and may the wind be always at your back. Live Long and Prosper.

Unknown said...

Thank you Vic, and to all of the cast and supporting members of STC! The STC series is an awesome tribute to Star Trek TOS that I watched growing up. Everyone reached a level of professionalism that helped raise the bar and produced a truly wonderful series. Thanks to everyone for the memories,including CBS in making STC a real tribute to Star Trek TOS. I only hope that CBS / Paramount will see the professionalism that everyone has put into this series and hopefully offer everyone an opportunity to continue the journey starting after the first motion picture and Enterprise refit. I wish you all a happy future wherever it may take you and may the wind be forever at your back!!

Unknown said...

Thank you for the ISO files and the artwork. That was incredibly generous and such a nice gift to fans that already appreciate you so much!

Unknown said...

What an amazing accomplishment. Your's was simply the best, and your passion for the series and chemistry showed in every episode.
While I am saddened to see it end, perhaps someday, someone will pay homage to THIS series, maybe a "Star Trek Continues...Continues" ?

Unknown said...

I was holidaying around the world and couldn't get any TV or Netflix and needed my Star Trek fix so turned to YouTube and found you 3 days before you released the last episode. I’m in awe, totally blew me away that you could conceive of and create this masterpiece. It felt like one of the best presents that the universe has ever given me and so I wanted to profoundly thank you for this gift and your amazing efforts in making it, truly exceptional and inspirational.

Scotty said...

We are all sad to see this series come to an end. It truly was a fantastic tribute to the original series and having notable connections to the old series was more than fabulous. So now, what next?

Jason said...

I just started watching this series and have been quite pleasantly surprised! The episodes are very well-written and well done. The use of material from TOS and TNG (separating saucer section) we quite well integrated. The only blooper I saw was that there really is no Vulcan death grip :-)

Thank you for putting this together! It's really great!

Unknown said...

I can't begin to thank you and all the people who made the effort to make Star Trek Continues the honest tribute and fitting conclusion it was. Well done. I enjoyed every episode.

DComer said...

To everyone involved in making these, you did a fantastic job of carrying Roddenberry's vision to a fitting conclusion to the series.

Mr. Mignogna, your performance as Captain Kirk was the best I have ever seen. You were completely convincing in the role and I thank you for your incredible effort to do his character justice.

To your team's incredible effort, Thank you!

S. Pehnke said...

Wow.. I'm savoring each episode one by one. This was something really special the whole team pulled off.. and you really see the love. Magic like this is real and rare and it immeasurably inspires positive universal energy, the stuff that love is made out of, to our existence. And I believe this little act of love will not only continue to expand and flourish but will significantly contribute to cultivate positive and creative energy for generations around the world, multiplying and amplifying Roddenberry humanistic ideals to a new level. STC is not over.. it lives now in each new viewer's experience, and it will only continue to grow and thrive as the originals do from 50 years ago. The inspiration is not only the messages in the scripts but the love of the crew, orchestrated by you, in unity playing and rejoicing the creative energy of love. Thanks for the magic and I wish you all the best (keep us posted on the next kickstarter project, whatever it is... I'm in!)

Unknown said...

I just watched Lolani. This was an impressive episode. I found it refreshing that Captain Kirk was defeated. However, the portion after Lolani and her captor left the ship was awkward. If the episode had ended with them leaving the ship and possibly her taped message, that would have been sufficient. it would have maintained Lolani as the supreme hero of the episode and Kirk as compromised. I think that would have been a more interesting story and added depth to Kirk's character. Of course, the message about the brutality of dehumanization/slavery was very powerful. In spite of the weakened ending, a very effective episode, it could have been stronger though.

moonshot said...

Vic, the love and effort that you and the STC crew poured into these episodes really shines through! In viewing them, I felt the same sense of hope and inspiration as when I watched TOS. It's to bad the powers that be don't realize that your endeavors only serve to enrich the Trek universe. In time, I hope that will change. As Kirk once said, "there are always possibilities."

Unknown said...

A Happy 2018 to all of you at Star Trek Continues, too! What you have all achieved is nothing short of incredible. I've been a Trek fan since the 1970's and though ST:TNG was ok-ish, I had given up by Voyager - too much space 'soap' opera for my liking...I really couldn't get excited by Worf's kid's problems, or how Chief O'Brien and Keiko were going to redecorate their new living quarters. Snore.The essence of really great sci-fi is an idea; one perhaps we all may have cogitated on at some point: 'What if...?'. Well, TOS had some amazing writers, but every script of STC has surpassed those efforts, and managed to bring the issues a contemporary feel, without feeling 'preachy'.
CBS/Paramount - you simply have to put this on prime-time and syndicate it as per the original series. The STC people have done what you, with all your resources, have been unable to do, ie: catch lightning in a bottle again! CBS, please stop with the tired, retread tropes - they ain't working. Why not air this amazing series - paying all involved as if they'd done the work as professionals and not simply for love. I know that these episodes would become as deeply loved as the original series did.

BubblesVIII said...

Thank you so much for all this phenomenal work, and for the great bow-out with the two-part closing episode.

So many parallels with the original TOS, including some false starts in casting right through to a premature end at the hands of the rights holders! For sure we'll always wonder about those extra episodes that might have been.

What wonderful surprises there were in To Boldly Go - when I saw Amy Rydell standing in for her mom, it was perhaps the most jaw-dropping 'reincarnation' of the whole project (which has many).

Also brilliant was the scene where Spock gets a greater kicking than he ever got before in TOS, where Rydell is lured away from him. An absolutely brilliant moment of writing and dramatic execution.

But I could go on. STC was not perfect, but neither was TOS. And like TOS, when it was good, it was great. And there isn't any 'Spock's Brain' in the whole bunch that needs shrugging off, either. You all did a phenomenal job. I hope the legacy of this series spreads out to the fans. It really deserves to.

I only wish the official current Star Trek offering was as much fun. But TNG needed three seasons to get good, and God knows, Star Trek fans are patient...

All the best, and thank you again, so much!

one of one said...

I didn't think it would work, then I realized I couldn't wait for the next episode. I'm well aware of the hard work it takes to make a did one hell of a job...thank you...bless you all !

Unknown said...

I have really enjoyed this continuation of the original series. I feel like it was very well done considering the constraints of not being a full scale production company. I do wish a certain other project hadn't screwed the pooch for everyone by forcing CBS/Paramount to pull the rug out from under fan projects like this. I enjoyed the final two part episode, but I do have some bones to pick so to speak. I feel like you "jumped the shark" by pushing the boundaries of the technology of the era when you used the plot points of intraship beaming and saucer separation. The one time they used intraship beaming was extremely dangerous due to the limitations of the technology at the time. To posit the idea that it had become acceptable practice without benefit of any opportunity for technological upgrades is really a stretch. As for the saucer separation scene, the Constitution class ships were simply not capable of doing this in space. That plot point alone ruined the final episode for me. I would also like to point out that during that time period, the transporter froze them in place during transport because the targeting scanner did not have the capability of tracking the movements of a person during transport. The whole sad farewell scene in the transporter room was just too contrived for me. I get that it set the stage for Spock's decision to commit to the Kolinar ritual, but it just went too far. The loss of the councillor could have been handled better. I feel like the last two episodes were rushed to complete the series and sadly they suffered for it. I know I will probably rub some people the wrong way with my comments, but I've been watching Star Trek since I was a kid in the 70's from TOS to TNG, DS9, Voyager and Enterprise. I've had issues with some of their episodes as well. Voyager was the worst with ridiculous plots that made no sense. As far as I'm concerned, the Star Trek universe ended for me with the first reboot movie. I'll never watch anything new coming from CBS/Paramount. Thank you for giving me the chance to see the rest of the original 5 year mission and tying it into the first movie. I can live with the faults and blame it on the unexpected rush to finish the story. It

Ken Waletzki said...

I was so impressed with your first episode, I was happy to contribute a small amount to your Kickstarter campaign (the only time I've ever donated to a KS project). Amazing effort!

Unknown said...

Looking forward to helping "What ships are for" get nominated for(and win!) the 2018 Hugo Award.
Like all the rest, it was well written, produced, and performed. But most of all I loved the compelling (and very timely) story-line. I think does what all great science fiction does, namely have us see ourselves through a new lens. We will all miss your great stories.

Live long and prosper in all your future endeavors

Anonymous said...

To Vic and team....thank you. You have put a more than worthy capstone on a series that I have always felt was prematurely canceled. You have forever placed yourselves in my heart as part of the canon of the original series and it is with a heavy heart that I am seeing you dock for the last time at Starfleet Command. I hope one day you once again head toward the second star to the right, and straight on 'til morning. Peace.

Kenneth Pizzi said...

For Vic and the rest of the've done Gene Roddenberry proud with STC..what a fabulous series that answers many questions about the fate of the Enterprise and raises a few new ones as well; sequels of a sort, and, in the case of a sacred sci-fi icon like Star Trek, can aways be a hazardous and thorny undertaking. Nonetheless, you've all undertaken the challenge most successfully with your reverence and love for the story and vision that is "Star Trek" revealed in in every frame. Thank you.

f40niteroi said...

STC is such a great work of love and integrity. It is really STAR TREK, that´s what it should be.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Great show, but a grave error was made in calling the characters Kirk and Spock, etc. There's only one of each of them (Shatner, Nimoy, etc.). The crew should have consisted of new characters, i.e. Captain Smith, Science Officer Jones, etc., this crew serving on a different ship, example: the U.S.S. Independence or whatever. Otherwise, I love the idea to continue with the same look... the sets, the uniforms (especially the chicks in their mini-skirts), the same music, the ship sounds, etc. Very good, but I don't want to see anybody else play Captain Kirk except William Shatner. To put some young (and somewhat effeminate) dude in the role of Captain Kirk is a blatant mistake. The new guy playing Spock looks like he's 16 years old. The guy playing the ship's chief medical officer is fine, but to have him trying to be Dr. McCoy is just plain dumb. I like the actor, but call him Dr. Williams or Dr. Anderson or something. Along these lines, they did do something right in the episode 'Pilgrim of Eternity' …. the introduction of the new character named Elise McKenna. She's not from the old Enterprise crew. She's a brand new character and she comes across fine, very beautiful and very believable. I believed in her character, but when this new 'Captain Kirk' speaks, I feel like he can't wait to dock at the next pink planet so he can cruise the gay bars there. Too bad when they came to the choice of either: #1. using different actors to play the same characters; or, #2. using totally new characters, they chose #1 -- and in doing so, they made the wrong choice.

Unknown said...

Vic, as opposed to that Tracy person above, I feel you have payed a fantastic homage to Star Trek. You were/are amazing at channeling Shatner's Kirk. The final episodes had all of the pathos, camaraderie and bitter/sweetness of the original. If Star Trek could have had time to wind down, this would have been the actual final voyage. Thank you for everything. If you go to Toronto Comicon maybe I'll meet some of your crew there. Well done.

Polygon said...

I watched every episode, excellent. I do have a question. Are there still going to be set tours, since the sets have been sold?


Unknown said...

I just recently discovered STC, and let me tell you I'm completely blown away. When first viewing STC on You Tube, I thought I had stumbled upon a previously unreleased episode of TOS. Wow Vic, you really do resemble Bill Shatner. I want to thank you for the integrity of the series. No need to change the timeline to make the characters more relevant to today. One of the things I always loved about TOS was the morality of the crew of the Enterprise. Captain Kirk was wothy to be looked up to. As a kid growing up in the 70's, Kirk was my hero. It was truly enjoyable getting to watch him roam the galaxy one more time. Thank you so much for this unexpected gift.

Unknown said...

Just recently discovered STC and I want to join the long list of "thank you's" and express my admiration for what you achieved. I'm a guy who followed a somewhat analogous passion for improv comedy and founded a nonprofit co-op theater in Chicago (The Playground) that's still going 22 years later. So I feel a kindred spirit with your drive and passion for an artform and your determination to bring it to life in an enduring way. I really, REALLY wish that STC was still churning out episodes (I have not yet discovered the reasons you had to stop -- was it CBS?). I loved all the shows -- I told my wife "If you squint just a LITTLE bit, you'd think you were watching new episodes of TOS!" Again, an amazing accomplishment. So what's next? :-)

Unknown said...

Why am I just finding you? I'm only at episode 6 and I have been tearing up since ep01. You are all geniuses! No one has ever come close to capturing the spirit of Star Trek as you have. I am disparaged of the entire human race for ignoring your contribution to our cultural heritage. Woe to future generations who will be the poorer for their ignorance!

David Beberman said...

found STC because of a recent podcast interview. Well done. Sorry to see if ended a couple years ago.

haints said...

It still hurts that your program ended. Thank you for all you have done. I am sorry I could not help, but you have brought a lot of happiness to a lot of people and you have not personally profited from it. Come the end, that is a fine legacy to leave.

Barry said...

Hi Vic and all the STC team,

Thank you for creating this series. An excerpt from your non-profit statement of objectives states:
In general, as on TOS, the new series emphasizes human (and alien) rights, and portrays the elimination of prejudice by the 23rd century.

After watching the first episode, I feel you have more than fulfilled this aim. The difficult choices for each of the main characters were resolved in a compassionate, hopeful, optimistic way. The writers and actors have created an inspirational example for both the 23rd and the 21st century.
Thank you.

Unknown said...

Fifty years a die hard fan. I just watch episodes 1 and 2 today. I loved every minute. Looking forward to seeing the other 9 episodes. Amazing

GoG8ters said...

Everyone has an opinion... Some good - some not so good (Anonymous), but each to his/her own. My opinion is that I find completion in the TOS series being finalized in this manner. The stories could have been better or worse. But in the truest sense of the show, they were very good! And, the last two episodes gave exactly the tie-in to what happened between the time of TOS series and ST:TMP. Awesome job...!

Paul Ware said...

Watching STC is like being back in the sixties all over again. Not in the sense of having a nostalgia fest, but in the sense of that breathless expectation that comes from seeing new stuff from your favourite show. I've watched most of the episodes a couple of times now and will watch them many more times yet. In my fanzine PAST PERFECT I'm currently running an episode-by-episode review of the original series; the plan had been to segue into the movies when all the episodes were done, but I've changed my mind; when I run out of TOS episodes I'm going to switch to STC, because as far as I'm concerned this series is canon, a legitimate continuation of the originals and the perfect link between the TV show and the movies. Well done to Vic and all concerned. (And my actual email address is, not the one that this site has linked me to should anyone wish to get in touch.)

Captain Dallas Sukerkin said...

I applaud Mr. Ware above and I agree that this series crafted from enthusiasm and love of the material is absolutely a worthy completion to the original five year mission! So sorry your project was scuppered by venal copyright lawyers in the employ of those seemingly working to kill the vision of Mr. Roddenbury - STD is an appropriate acronym for the present corrupted offerings being peddled.

Shari P said...
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Shari P said...

I just happen to come across this and am so sad that there won't be any more episodes. I grew up watching Star Trek and still love all the episodes and characters. The actors I just saw who play the original cast are beyond fantastic! I just watched the first episode and was so excited that the original Apollo reprised his role. Thank you so much for doing this. You are all fantastic! I felt like I feel when I watch the original Star Trek.

Ron said...

Hello Vic
I just recently found your series on Youtube. I'm 55, watched the TOS originally as best I could when TVs had rabbit ears and the picture looked like a snow storm. Since then I've watched them many times on reruns and when I bought the DVD set.

As you mentioned in your interview, some fan-made shows were quite hokey. So I started watching with that expectation. I was pleasantly surprised! As I watched more episodes I began to associate the new actors with the originals, seeing the similarities and differences, but accepting the show just as if the series had not ended. And I was sad to see these end as well. These episodes are done so well that I would say they need to be included with the TOS as it closes the gap between the series and the first movie.

You managed to capture the feel, the humour, the "family", of TOS. You yourself duplicated the mannerisms that Kirk came to be known for. The only scenes that oddly enough didn't have the same "feel" was Kirk's kissing in Lolani and What Ships are for lol. But Kirk's speech and the message of that latter episode was just as potent as the message from the TOS episode Let that be your last Battlefield.

Writing the last episode must have been challenge, seeing main characters killed off. But it was a brilliant ending to your series.

I thank you and all involved. I really enjoyed the episodes.
Ron Werner
Sooke BC

Unknown said...

I don't have the words to express how completely amazed I am by Star Trek Continues. I am a tough critic, who really does not like 99% of fan-made Trek, But "Continues", to me, IS Star Trek.
Truly a Labor of Love, you have Boldy gone where no one has gone before!

GeoGherkins said...

Grant Imahara (Hikaru Sulu) has died.

Anonymous said...

I absolutely loved this show and all the hard work Vic and the others have towards making this show. I truly wish you could have continued with more episodes. Thank you

bluegoatwoods said...

I am stunned with......and quite impressed by......Star Trek Continues. I only discovered it yesterday (Sept, 2020) and have watched three episodes. Two of them I rate as 'excellent'. And you can bet I'll revisit the other when I get the chance because this show deserves my attention. I can already see that. That'll be after I watch the remaining eight episodes.

I'll try not to be too lengthy here. But I'll also try to offer a glimpse of just what sort of fan I happen to be. In order to give a notion of my perspective.

There's always been a soft spot in my heart for The Original Series. I remember well watching season 3 in first run. I was too young during seasons 1 & 2. At that time I was watching "Batman", "The Monkees" and "Lost in Space" among others. No doubt Lost in Space primed me for Star Trek. Along with the genuine space race. Which was going strong at the time and which most certainly attracted my attention. I picked up on seasons 1 and 2 shortly after, when the show went into syndicated reruns. The crew of the Enterprise became 'real' to me. My sympathetic feelings for them have never faded.

Beyond this....I would not qualify as a Trekkie. Though I do qualify as a Trekkie Wannabe.

I am not terribly fond of the original series films. Overall...I sorta like them. And they certainly had good moments. me.....they're just not quite the same.

I've watched a bit of The Next Generation over the years. Though the total number of episodes I've watched might not number more than a dozen. And I've been able to see that that show might have drawn me in had I been able to pay more attention. But life has been too busy for that.

As for the series' that have come after....I believe I haven't watched a full episode of any of them. Bits and pieces here and there, yes. But not very much of even that.

I'd like to immerse myself in TNG and the series' which followed. I'd like to because I like the Star Trek universe. I won't be able to catch up to them and I won't try because life is still too busy for that. In retirement? Maybe. But I'll have other things that will be competing for my time even then. We'll see.

It's been a long time even since I've watched an episode of the original series. Yet Kirk, Spock and the rest have never been far from my mind. I regard them as friends.

When I stumbled upon Star Trek Continues, I thought to myself "some sort of fan fiction". Which is true enough, it seems. But I was not prepared for the sheer quality presented. When I said....above.....that I was stunned I was not kidding.

bluegoatwoods said...

Vic! My strongest congratulations on your portrayal of Kirk/Shatner. A bit more perspective: I'm a singer who relishes a challenge. And so I go after guys like Roger Daltrey and Jim Morrison. Covering their songs. And I never sound as good as they do. Yet I can usually get to about 80% or so if I put some good effort into it.

And when I do, I feel a sense of pride for it. I'll never make a dime from it. But I feel like I've given the masters a respectful tribute. If you feel something like that, I won't blame you one little bit. And I think you scored well above 80% anyway. You're well into the 90s and zeroing in on the bullseye, I would say.

And the rest of the cast and production crew have earned my praise. Terrific job. While working today and thinking back of the episodes I watched, I found the term 'labor of love' going through my head.

All of this praise after watching only three episodes? Well....I know quality when I see it. I have no fear whatsoever about the remaining eight episodes. And if they don't impress me the first time, I'm going to be pretty darned sure that it's only because I didn't 'get it' and I simply need to watch again and be more observant.

And now that I've blathered on long enough, I'm gonna go find another episode to watch.

Great Job!!

Unknown said...

I just discovered Star Trek Continues and watched the first three episodes yesterday. All I can say is WOW ! These are so professional and well written. Perhaps you can take up the project again some day !! ?? The third episode was fantastic and I cannot wait to watch the remaining 8 !

strat said...

Amazing job! This was under my radar until yesterday, and I binged them in two days! Left me hungry for more! A huge heartfelt thank you to Vic and everyone involved in this outstanding project of love! I've been a TOS fan since watching them all in syndication as a teen in the mid-70s and I watch them still! They have meant so much to me and so many others, obviously including the dedicated team on this project! I only wish (and still hope somehow) that more episodes could be made. You have done a fantastic thing, and thank you once again!

Mike Audette said...

This series was so brilliantly and lovingly produced that it ought to be considered canon.

ianthehammer said...

Mike as far as I’m concerned this definitely is cannon! Certainly more so than Discovery! All involved should be extremely proud.

Hanni8al8arca said...

I've just finished the last episode of STC, and it felt like losing a friend. I've always enjoyed SF and Fantasy fiction, whether books, television, or film. I was born in 1969 and grew up watching TOS in reruns with my father mostly, who was Air Force and a dedicated Trekkie. Kirk, Spock, and Scotty were my favorite characters--I even had their action figures along with my G.I. Joes.

I grew up with no conflict over various sci-fi franchises. I love Star Wars as much as Star Trek, Buck Rogers, Space: 1999, Dune, or any other number of series. Much like TOS taught us, diversity is a good thing, something that seems to be lost on a lot of fans who doggedly cling to one series or another, and belittle the ones they don't. They each have their promise and appeal. For Star Trek, it was the promise of a better future, and humanity in the characters.

Vic, your portrayal of Kirk was outstanding. Aside from your uncanny resemblance to a young Bill Shatner, you did yourself proud with your spot-on acting. Todd shined as Mr. Spock. Everyone in the cast revealed the love they have for TOS with their inspired performances. I even came to care for the new characters, like Chief Drake and Dr. McKennah. From set design and lighting to props and score, you all should be deeply proud of your artistry and creation. Like some other commenters have said, for me this is canon, and admirably fills the gap between TOS and STTMP. From the bottom of my heart, I salute all of you for a job well done!

Rino said...

Sincere congratulations also from me for an outstanding web series. Honestly it has nothing to envy to the canonical series. I grew up with the TOS series when I was child, which for me was and always will be an inimitable series, but STC, so faithful in all respects, not only to the Star Trek canon, but also and above all to the "essence" of the original series astonished me, and favorably impressed me.
Vic, you were really fantastic as Captain Kirk, but I like so much also Chuck Huber as McCoy, Chris Doohan as Scott, but also the others, including the new character of McKennah performed by Michele Specht.
By the way, excuse my English ... and, just to give an idea of ​​how much I enjoyed the series, I must confess that I spent a year, clearly not continuously, of my free time, to fine tune, improve, the subtitles in my language (and according to the Star Trek dubbing canon in Italy) that I found on the web. All this just to be able to fully appreciate while watching what I consider a very successful series.
So thank you, Vic, thanks to all the troupe, and everyone who made this possible.
Live long and prosper!

Unknown said...

Well I'm late to the game here, but wanted to say thank you. I can't tell you how much fun it was to watch this. I grew up in the 60s and 70s watching the original series (over and over), like so many others, and the hard work and sacrfice of everyone involved producing this was remarkable. And a heartfelt thanks for the uplifting and optimistic messages -and reminders of who we should strive to be - that are so absent from the dystopian outlook portrayed by many of the recent Trek series. My only regret is your vision can't go on indefinitely.
Best of luck to you all, and thank you again for one last ride into a future of hope and optimiism.

Ross S Marshall said...

Derar Vic Mignogna; If financed fully, would there be a chance to continue the series?

Robert Flanders said...

I have just finished watching the entire series, here in 2024. I have just a few things that I want to share. Vic, your Captain Kirk was truly impressive! I kept having the feeling that you were, in fact, Bill Shatner, and your ability to capture his essence was amazing. Also, I was moved to tears in more than one episode, not just from nostalgia but from the messages of your portrayal of the adventures of the Enterprise and her crew. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for carrying out the 5 year mission! Well done!

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