In a matter of hours, thousands of STAR TREK fans will converge on Las Vegas for the 50th Anniversary
convention. Our favorite show premiered
on NBC on a Thursday night in 1966, and September 8th will again fall on a
Thursday in this anniversary year. If
you’re coming to the Las Vegas event, please do say hello if you see our cast
members like Chris Doohan, Kipleigh Brown, Michael Forest, Michele Specht, and
me. Several of our dedicated crew people
will be coming to Vegas, too – including talented makeup artists Lisa Hansell
and Tim Vittetoe, who will be demonstrating alien prosthetic makeup application
and answering audience questions at the Roddenberry Interactive Stage on Friday
afternoon at the Rio.
Fans have been celebrating this anniversary year with special
events and conventions, new merchandise to enjoy, a new movie, and with a
healthy dose of reflection about what STAR
TREK means in their lives.
We’ve been very humbled by the amazing reaction to Episode
Six, “Come Not Between the Dragons.” The
amazing talent of Gigi Edgley really brought a powerful touch to this episode,
and it was wonderful to have a native Australian aboard the Enterprise. I hope all of you enjoyed Episode Six, and
we’ve got some insight into that beautiful story in this issue.

I want to assuage any concerns that our fans may have about
the current climate. We fully intend that the kind donations from our
supporters will be used for the exact purpose for which they were
is the only official 501(c)3 non-profit Trek fan production company out there
dedicated solely to TREK. We are awaiting further clarification, but I
am optimistic about completing our planned series and I would like to ask all
of our fans to remain optimistic with us.
We have a plan to bring STAR TREK
CONTINUES to a close with an outstanding final episode arc.
We are working at warp speed to complete STAR TREK CONTINUES. Below is a photo of the bottom of the last
page of the script for the final episode in our series.

We have been humbled and honored beyond words by the
kindness, enthusiasm and support of our series, and we will continue to
demonstrate the integrity and quality that have defined STAR TREK CONTINUES from the beginning.
is our love letter to the series, a true effort of joy that we do just because
we love the vision of Gene Roddenberry and the world he and others created.
-- Vic Mignogna
That's going to be a powerful close.. choosing the right music will be tough, but I'm confident you guys will nail it.
After reading that I had to watch the enterprise tour scene from TMP... still brings a tear to my eye.
I think there will be a lot of tears when the screen finally fades to black.
I hope the "Next Generation" (pun intended) of Star Trek fans will take up the mantle as lovingly as has the entire cast and crew of STC! I know I speak for STC fans everywhere when I say "Thanks!"
Star Trek Continues is ending? That is really sad! I loved it more with every new episode. The effort put into it really shows and the writing alone is lightyears more interesting than any commercial sci-fi productions out there at the moment. Its almost tragic really to think about the amount of money hollywood spends each year producing pure garbage compared to the quality of Star Trek Continues. Your team can be really proud to have created some real on-screen magic rarely seen these days! I hope you get a chance to work on new projects in the future!
Whoa whoa whoa... hold on there Vic - you can't end Star Trek Continues yet and here's why. You set out to complete the 5 year mission of the Enterprise right? Well Season 1 had 29 episodes, S2 had 26 and S3 had 24 - which averages roughly 26 per 'year'. We're on #7 of year 3, so by my calculation you, your cast and crew (and we) have at least another 64 episodes to enjoy all your hard work, dedication, and love of Star Trek.
So get crackin :-)
I can't bare the loss!
what I don't understand , why end it? you are only up to Episode 7 which only 1 quarter of a season.
All the effort to put together such a fantastic revival in Honor of Gene and Majel...support from Fans and Rod and yourselves should be reason to finally get Paramount to back the idea I would think.
what is scary is Vic's portrayal of Kirk and the set design and use of music and other Talents on screen, HEll, I was going to ask how to get a walk-on someday if possible..I have watched each episode and told all my friends on what they are missing...
This program cant end so soon.
James G. Condon
STC shouldn't end so soon Vic, please re-consider. STC is, in my opinion, the best Trek since TOS. At least try to make a dozen or so episodes.
it took me a bit to warm up to this as I watched the episodes, but now at the point of saying - you've bested TOS. In other words, this is better than some of the TOS episodes. Spock, Kirk, Bones, Scotty - superb. Its a gift to humanity. Reconsider.
Actually this is better than many of the episodes on all the Star Trek series (not just TOS), and lets not even talk about the Dr Who reboot. You have a classic here in its own right.
The sad truth is that the era of Star Trek fan films has come to an end. CBS new guidelines make such productions illegal. The new guide line have caused other fan film projects such as "Star Trek New Voyages" to end production also.
This may be the beginning of the end for all fan films, it is a sad day for all fans.
Link to the guide lines:
I disagree that the new guidelines are a death knell for fan film. In fact they open the way for many an opportunity in the future.
As for STC perhaps there is yet room for more vignettes, maybe a two parter 30 minute story. STC can break trail in this regard, embracing the guidelines & taking its storytelling in a bold new direction.
Vic, I am sorry to hear that you are ending the show. I was a bright-eyed, ten-year-old boy when Star Trek first aired and your version captured the fun and spirit of the original so well that I was transported back to that era and was once again a young boy caught-up in the adventures of Kirk, Spock and McCoy. You, the other actors, and staff have done a wonderful job and the love and respect you had for the original Star Trek is obvious. I hope the new CBS/Paramount guidelines are not the reason for your bringing Star Trek Continues to a close. Whatever the reason, you shall certainly be missed, but thank you for once again bringing a youthful joy and excitement to an old man's heart. May you find much success on your future path.
what do you mean, final episode? after all the work you all did to build the sets and such, what the F? your ending it, just like that? i mean, its bad enough it takes you all 6 months or more to make an episode, thank god Roddenberry didn't take as long, otherwise we wouldn't have 79 episodes, we'd only have maybe 10? geeezzz, thought you all would be faster....but anyway, why end after all this effort?
Please, keep filming STC! It means for me so much it's like real continue of the original series. You did so great job! Please, it can't end like this. Please, stay with us for a little more.
With love and respect from Israel.
I truly am sad to hear that the show will be ending so soon. This show succeeded in taking me back to a simpler time where the galaxy was still unknown, filled with adventure and awe.
I have enjoyed the stories and was looking forward to seeing the cast grow into there own. Hats off to every cast member, you where great.
I also have to add to Vic Mignogna, You where a good Kirk. :)
To the production team, i can just imagine the time and effort everyone put in to produce a show of this quality, and from a fan, Thank You.
As a final statement i would like to say that Star Trek Continues is a worthwhile show and if there is any way to Continue in its Treks across the Galaxy, its worth fighting for !!!
Looking forward to episode 7.
Geebus--What is the deal with all the dead starships? There are at least 3 episodes foreshadowing this, and Scotty is freaked out! You are clearly working these towards some end, but can you properly finish under the new restrictions? I really want to know where this ends, and I fear I will not know!
It is unfortunate that you will be ending the series. Vic, you have done a great job reviving James T. Kirk as have all of the actors in recreating their characters. I feel as sad now as I felt 48 years ago when the series was cancelled. I sincerely hope that somehow you are able to continue your efforts, especially since you now have the engineering set complete. I am filled with excitement for the next episode while disappointed in the fact that it will be the finale.
The news of the finale leaves me with an empty feeling. Live long and prosper all concerned.
Small typo... "final eposide arc" should read "episode #178"
I'm not sure what Thomas Maska is talking about, but the new guidelines forbid multiple-part films. Even one more of these, or even a 5 minute vignette would break the rule, because it would be a continuation of characters seen in a previous fan film. There really is no way to do a series or anything like this under the guidelines. They can't even say 'Star Trek' on them. The new guidelines are crushing and certainly don't present new opportunities by any stretch of the imagination.
It's obvious that CBS has set these rules specifically in place for Star Trek Continues, and one of the major reasons is they worry about a negative impact on the new Star Trek CBS All Access series. However, the smart move for CBS/Paramount/Viacom is continue with both that series and acquire this one, keeping on some of the key people, particularly behind the scenes, especially Vic, the driving creative force. They will, of course, recast as they see fit, there is an additional revenue stream here they would be very shortsighted not to take advantage of, particularly since all the ground work has already been done.
They can force the changes, under threat of lawsuit, for copyright infringement, but they cannot claim ownership of any of the physical sets, studio, or props. Well connected Hollywood fans of Star Trek Continues (am I right this includes Tom Hanks, and doubtless many powerful behind the scenes individuals, certainly) can help their programming executives in taking what is here and expanding on it, there are enough broadcast entities with CBS, CBS All Access, and Showtime / The Movie Channel to support a second series and the Chris Pine starring films (especially once the executive issues with top brass are sorted out).
The new Star Trek will likely top off at 22 episodes per season, if successful, and I believe Vic and whatever team would produce this series could do 13 a year for one of the CBS properties. It would make much more sense to follow that pattern and develop this series as a potential revenue source, including marketing any existing and future episodes to home video, both physical media, such as Blu Ray, and digital download / streaming, than to not recognize the potential in what has been created here, which is a remarkable facsimile of an iconic television series.
By the way, Vic is also a recording artist, and certainly we invite Vic and any other talented artists with original material to apply at AudioSparx.com, a website specializing in licensing original recorded works for television, movies, commercials, and the like. - Rodney -
Just Googled a few details on the Star Trek Discovery series, actually, it is only 13 episodes, but, if successful, there will likely be orders for more. Gotham was originally set for 16 episodes on Fox first season, but ordered 6 additional. I don't see how this series being picked up could be anything less than successful, and I don't see it as at all damaging to Star Trek Discovery. A lot of incredible work has been done here, CBS has taken much larger chances in the past than acquiring this would be, and it's clear that's the only way this project has a real future, under the new rules. And there's certainly nothing wrong with the work the team has done so far being paid for it. If there were sales of Blu Rays and digital media, streaming under the Viacom umbrella there would be royalties for the actors, writers, etc. involved to this point, even if Star Trek Continues is completely recast. I don't know what exactly those payments would be, but there would be something.
Thanks for the ride while it lasted before CBS's Do not break or we break your legs rules for fan films ruined everything. So what happens to all your sets and props? I hope it goes to that Sci-Fi Musueam in the North West :)
Thank you so much for your labor of love. I'll be sad to see this series come to an end but I'll enjoy it while I can. Is it going to be the actual two years to finish the 5 year mission as long as you get the donations and funding? What's going to happen to the set when you are done? Hopefully a museum will take it so it doesn't meet the same fate as the original one as referenced in Building Star Trek. Do you think you might publish a book so we can learn everyone's background and how they came to be a part of this?
Again, thank you.
Susan Holloway, Tacoma, Washington
Just discovered this wonderful effort. Some really fine episodes and something you should be very proud of. Even the writing is a cut above.
I know, blasphemous right ? But in many ways you have surpassed the original. Hate to be redundant but fine fine job Mr. Mignogna & all.
So sad to hear you may not continue due to lack of vision on the part of studios & Networks. But isn't that the way of the world ? Those with no talent run the world & those who can - DO. And if the talented & creative in this world did not create due to their Love of it, this world would be a sadder place still, than it already is.
Thank you ALL for your hard work.
STC is by lightyears the finest fan series. Just watched #7. Awesome! It's more that an excellent episode, it's an archetype of what the best of Star Trek embodies and says about humanity. Great casting too!
Hope this is okay, as I'm certain some of the people involved with the Star Trek Continues project and fans will have interest in this project we just licensed music for entitled "This Giant Paiper Mache Boulder Is Really Heavy". It's a paraody of Science Fiction films, in the vein of the Star Wars parody "Hardware Wars" but with a much larger budget. It's already won a few awards. Teaser and Trailer are here:
As far as Star Trek Continues, I'd be very surprised if Vic and a few others aren't involved with negotiations right now. As stated earlier, it would be ludicrious for CBS not to see the potential in what has been created here, and the many fans, as well as entertainment professionals, that would like to see this project continue. It's absolutely terrific in every way possible.
I really hope you are able to work something out and it won't be the end. There have been several successful shows using a 30 minute format, and the new guidelines allow for that in two parts. There is even something to be said for smaller more frequently released episodes. Whatever happens, thanks for a collection of great episodes. :)
Nooo don't stop please continue the great work you all are doing. Please please please
If its a matter of copyrights and ownership could STC be the medium of fan purchased franchise. Its been done for sports teams why not the ST TV series franchise
Just an idea, but I'm a daydreamer
OK, ownership of Star Trek might be hundreds of millions but what about paying a fee or allowing them to have the advertising royalties that can be generated from You Tube Vimeo and Google then the series can continue setting the stage for a great many other fan based films.
They make money from work they don't do, and we get quality STC!!!
Nooo don't stop please continue the great work you all are doing. Please please please
If its a matter of copyrights and ownership could STC be the medium of fan purchased franchise. Its been done for sports teams why not the ST TV series franchise
Just an idea, but I'm a daydreamer
CBS?!?! Where the h*%$ are you??!!!
BUY THIS DARN THING so we can get more episodes!!!!!
It's 1000x better than hack-boy Abrams' crap.
I've just discovered STC and I'm head over heels in love with it. Showed it to my best friend today and she's crazy about it too. I hope you can keep going! This show isn't competing with newer Trek, it's a complement to it and helps keep the fannish energy up. CBS should be glad for anything that keeps people excited about the franchise.
I realy hope you will continue untill you finsih with Star Trek 2.
Including all that Pre-Motion Picture stuff that you could invent.
I love you guys with the all my hart.
And to CBS.
Stop doing that!
You allways profited from Fanfilms you never got hurt. An din return you hurt the Fans with that shit! You actually dare to say "fuck off!" to all the Trekies?
here is the deal. if we do, you go broke and we make our own Franchise.
Now I get to re-experience the sadness I felt when I discovered that Star Trek was "gone" seemingly just as I discovered it when I was a kid. (First as an eight year old up past my bedtime, then later-after school-just like all the Television research syndication data recounts.) I grieve for thee. (I fear more than a little for myself as well.) I will stifle the urge to attribute this to the J.J."-ification" of the franchise. With regard to all things best served cold, I will NOT forget it with my wallet or online opinion. You apparently are just a bit too good at your labor of love. All things end, but not all things have the opportunity to end WELL. Thank you for your efforts to keep the "original" (and unsurpassed) iteration intact and celebrated. Best wishes for the Future.
Addendum: At one point I thought I read that there will be a tour attraction of the sets after production ceases. If this is true, please let me know how I can arrange to undertake it. Thank you.
Addendum: At one point I thought I read that there will be a tour attraction of the sets after production ceases. If this is true, please let me know how I can arrange to undertake it. Thank you.
I have enjoyed your series immensely and hope that you will be able to finish your story line. I look forward to the new adventures you may encounter. To you and your entire crew, very well done, and thank you!
I consider the actions of CBS/Paramount toward fan productions to be appallingly shortsighted and obscenely destructive. I can only hope most fervently that they come to their senses while productions like this are still able to resume work.
For myself - CBS/Paramount won't be getting a penny of my money going forward, and I will do whatever is within my power to make the vastness of their error clear to them.
I fell in love with the original series as a young boy in the 70's. I would literally run home the two blocks from school in time to catch re-runs in the afternoon. I absolutely adore what you guys have so lovingly done to honor the original series and I sincerely hope you are able to continue your great work in some form in spite of CBS/Paramount's draconian new "guidelines". As another post said elsewhere, I am reminded of the AT&T commercial where the guys gives a little girl a brand new bike and says "you can ride anywhere your heart desires...but only inside this little box".
Great work and God bless all of you at STC!!
I've just found you and finished watching your 7 episodes so far! You are all doing amazing work - just like TOS, and the storytelling is both modern as it addresses contemporary issues, and traditional in the style of TOS. I've been a Star Trek fan for a long time and I hope to see more of STC!
I'm really sad to see this series end. It's the only real Star Trek left in my opinion. I refuse to watch any of the new movies after seeing what they did in the first one. Reading through the comments, I saw one questioning the mystery of the dead starships they've found. I think it's obvious really. That is leading to the storyline in the first TOS movie. Any ships that encountered V-ger were completely drained of power and left dead in space. I think that is the most logical explanation to tie this series into the first movie.
Nooooo, don't end!!!!!!
My God Man, I'm a fan not a doctor! You cannot end this thing. You have captured the essence of the original show better than the "so called reboot." Your stories are original and, though, it took a little of a suspension of disbelief on watching the first episode, I found that Vic had nailed Kirk as good if not better than Shatner. I half chuckled in one episode with the shirt off scene!
If its money, I am willing to make calls to help.
My God Man, I'm a fan not a doctor! You cannot end this thing. You have captured the essence of the original show better than the "so called reboot." Your stories are original and, though, it took a little of a suspension of disbelief on watching the first episode, I found that Vic had nailed Kirk as good if not better than Shatner. I half chuckled in one episode with the shirt off scene!
If its money, I am willing to make calls to help.
Great show, well done, well eritten, well acted, you guys really nailed it. Business is business unfortunately, and business as really killed the stoty of trek. Too treky stories dont get produced out of fear that no one will watch them. Well, here you are, producing trekh films, and everyone recognizes the quality of the product and appreciates. And they are going to shut you down, not because they want to produce treky films and tv, but they want to force feed their version of trek that's palable to the masses and can garner alot of money. A dumb down version of a great show is what they have been selling. Your the closest thing I've seen to high quality, thought provoking sci-fi in a long time, trek or otherwise. Even if you can't continue with this production, create aomething fresh, with its own name and characters, and put it out there. You folks are too good, from top to bottom, not to put something creative out there.
My two cents
Wow, just found (December 2016) this series and immediately wanted to make a contribution. Bummer it may end soon. Signed up for newsletter just in case show continues.
Awesome series I really hope more episodes get created. It seems to be truly a labor of love.
Thank you so much.
I am fairly new to this series and truly love what you all have done. I am also heart broken to hear that there will be an end to this amazing undertaking. I have no clue what goes into the making of a program such as this. I am sure that it is long days and hard work. But...I along with what I am positive is many,many others, will be feeling as if a Black Hole has taken up residence in their chests when you do finally end this. I would like to say that something like Star Trek comes along once in a lifetime but, you and your dedication and passion for details as well as every actor who has been a part of this awesome rebirth has given a multitude of fans a rare "Second in a Lifetime" chance to relive the glory days of Trek while bringing new scripts and story lines to an old...(and new) generation. I seriously doubt that others will achieve what you have and give us a "Third in a Lifetime" but I am not going to lie. You..the entire crew..and this show..will be greatly missed. You HAVE gone where no man has gone before! This was not a spinoff of a boundary breaking tv program...no. You broke boundaries yourselves with the idea to continue the original with fresh ideas. That is something not seen in the television world. I wish you all the best...Live long and prosper!
And...I will NOT be watching any Star Trek "reboots"!
Hi there, I loved the series while it lasted, too bad it's ending after the 8th episode, if it can be produced, especially with the new guidelines that have been put forth by the greedy group at CBS/Paramount. I guess, it's hailing frequencies closed on this series. By the way, my favorite character is Uhura, it was since I saw the original series with Nichelle Nichols.
All the best for the future.
You have bested TOS. Did not ever think that could happen in my lifetime, but you all did it. This is SOOO fantastic - everything about it. The production, the writing, the acting - its fantastic. In protest, I will not subscribe to the new CBS series. This is what we want
To the Star Trek Continues cast and crew all I can offer is a sincere Thank You from the bottom of my heart for your heartfelt efforts. A lifelong Star Trek TOS fan, I hope we get the chance to conclude your collective vision with fairness, equity and justice. That's what Star Trek is all about, right? Thank You again and may you all LLAP!
To the crew of actors, writers, designers, and EVERYone involved in this production, thank you. I am holding onto hope that CBS will revise their guidelines in such a way that you may continue your, and our, dreams.
I am heart broken! Star Trek: Continues brought back all the wonderful feelings of my childhood. The belief that we will still be here in the future and all will be right with the universe! I really hope CBS will allow you to at least finish your series with that final episode. Live Long and Prosper Vic & Crew. You will be missed!
I first learned of fan films when I found Star Trek: Phase Two but Star Trek: Continues quickly became my favorite. I will be forever grateful to the entire cast of ST:C for all their hard work and love for the series. I own every episode of Trek including the animated series and every movie of Trek with the exception of the three Kelvin timeline movies. I had the intention to but those as well but after what CBS/P has done to ST:C and all the other fan productions I hereby make this promise. I will not pay one single penny for anything CBS/P releases that is Star Trek until they withdraw their draconian rules on the production of fan films.
Is there going to be a Blu-ray release of the final episodes like you made for episodes 1 - 6 in the Indiegogo campaign?
Knowing this will end "soon" brings a lump to my throat and a knot to my stomach. It blows my mind how well STC flows along with TOS. The amazing attention to detail, the writing and the acting is so "right on" it's almost unbelievable. I watched TOS episodes as a kid when they aired for the first time. When I discovered STC, I was like a kid again. AND please please PLEASE...more bloopers reels! I cannot watch them without laughing with the cast and crew. They look like they're having so much fun. I want to jump in and join them, but alas, I'm not well known nor am I an actor.
good good
CBS hates it's fans. The fact that Continues has to end is clear proof.... CBS should be funding this..not discouraging it. Shame on you CBS.... once again you show why your ratings are falling like tribbles from a food storage locker.
and as the sun slides behind the earth, for just a moment the light catches the glimmer of a tear rolling down my cheek
CBS has lost another customer.
I am 50 years old and I grew up watching ST.and I just want you to know Vic that I have really enjoyed this series. You brought back a certain feeling that I can't explain. The times when we all felt safe and could watch good TV kinda like the Andy Griffith show days.I for one will miss seeing you guys all of you have done a awsome job.I hope that some how you can find a way to continue the show. Thanks chuck jernigan
Oh no!!! I can't believe STC is coming to an end.
Vic and cast - you have done an amazing job, I have absolutely loved the series you have made. They made feel good/happy/comfortable/entertained and more when watching them. I am so sad you have to wrap up.
All good things have to die too early unfortunately.
I truly wish you all the very best and should you find yourselves in Victoria BC, Canada let know know so we can go out and have a beer or two!!
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